Statement of facts / Comunicado / Mitteilung
To all our beloved visitors: Dr. sipmac needs a timeout. Seriously. I looked at his latest post, read his creepy redaction (there's no time for euphemisms now), looked at his face and saw he was already burnt out. As an informal custom, the members of the sipmac ensemble do not talk too much about themselves, and sip was lately more than eager to tell all about himself and his whereabouts. This blog is mostly about ideas, not the characters that write the posts. The other members of the team and I all agree about this, even if the name of the blog is sipmacrants! For the sake of full disclosure Dr. Werner Merkwürdiglibe had some medical tests taken, and the physicians recommended a lot of rest for him after his nervous breakdown. His temporary dismissal from the editor-in-chief duties is effective immediatly and Marc Ipsula, our newest addition to our team will be in charge from now on until further notice. All of us at the sipmac team wish Dr. sipmac all the best and we hope he ...