¡Mel y KKKramer se sollaron!

What, me worry?
Serenity now, you moron!
¿Cómo defender lo indefendible? Ah, que metidas de pata tan espectaculares. Mel Gibson fue arrestado por manejar borracho y se destapó como antisemita; Michael Richards apoyando en su rutina de stand-up comedy los linchamientos contra la población afroamericana, y mejor no hablemos del "maestro borrachón": Jackie Chan. Kkkramer nunca fue mi héroe, pero Jackie y Mel sí que lo fueron. Es inutil ponerse a desear que cosas así nunca hubieran sucedido. Son completamente responsables de lo que hicieron.
Jackie ChanImage via Wikipedia
But I'm no racist! I just got drunk!
How to defend the indefensible? Ah, what an spectacular gaffe! Mel Gibson was arrested for drunk driving and decided to come out in the meanwhile as a rabid anti-Semitic; almost at the same time, Michael Richards , in a so called "stand-up comedy routine" decided to support the lynching of African Americans, and the use of the N-word; not to mention the impressive PR coup made by the "drunken master", a/k/a Jackie Chan. Kkkramer was never my hero, but Jackie and Mel were. It is useless to hope that horrible things like these would never have happened, for they are entire responsible for what they did.
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